Content- Chat style layout, unlimited characters, real time confirmations messages delivered and read, ability to share photos, videos, with multiple contacts at once, add contacts by scanning barcodes and pins, users can share what they are listening to with their friends, status messages and recent updates.
Message- Standard cell phones suffered because all they offer is normal texting with limited options, Iphones don't use BBM which turns some people away from buying them over a blackberry. Other smart phones suffered from competition because they don't offer BlackBerry messenger.
Medium- Facebook
Content- Facebook allows you to upload pictures and videos and share them with your friends. Learn more about the people you meet, show your interests, relationship status, events, birthdays, what's on your mind (status), live chat, inbox message, write on your friends wall, like posts, pictures, and videos, view a live news feed with constant updates, poke people, join groups, view other peoples mutual friends, and add captions to your pictures.
Message- Myspace, AOL, AIM, and cellphone use went down since the existence of Facebook. Talking over the phone decreased as well as face to face communication. Twitter isn't as popular as it could be because of so many Facebook users. Some schools and jobs recommend Facebook in order to meet and connect with other people. Some people lose there jobs or don't get one because they may have pictures that are revealing or inappropriate. Facebook connects people all around the world on a daily basis giving people a chance to grow.
Content- Follow other people and receive updates on there tweets (messages that everyone can view). Tweet your thoughts or what ever is on your mind. Share your profile with a picture and show your favorite people that you are currently following. Tweet count (number of tweets you have accounted for). Browse interests and find out live updates on what's going on with everyone in the world who has a twitter.
Message- All forms of networking suffered because of twitter and the amount of people that started to use it. People have resorted to using this only to communicate to everyone else around them. Everyday people get to see what there favorite celebrities are doing on a daily basis. Voice your thoughts with out any consequences. Engage in other peoples lives and find out more about them as they get to know you.
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